Auction Calendar
Browse our auction calendar and find high quality items to bid on now.

High Quality Jewelry and Timepieces
Luxury Items
The widest variety of luxury, one of a kind and limited edition investment quality jewelry and timepieces.

Entertainment Memorabilia
Celebrity Auctions and Music Memorabilia
We've sold items belonging to Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe and more!

Striking a Chord Worldwide: The Elvis Jumpsuit That Sold Over 1 Million
Elvis’ Iconic Jumpsuit sold for over 1 million
Elvis' Iconic Jumpsuit sold for over 1 million

Iconic Fashion Accessories Sell for Record Prices
Iconic Fashion Accessories Sell for Record Prices
Iconic Fashion Accessories Sell for Record Prices

Global Auctioneer Brigitte Kruse Expands Kruse GWS Auctions Internationally
Global Auctioneer Brigitte Kruse Expands Kruse GWS Auctions Internationally
Global Auctioneer Brigitte Kruse Expands Kruse GWS Auctions Internationally